SuperPuTTY - Download SuperPuTTY

SuperPuTTY - Download SuperPuTTY

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GitHub - jimradford/superputty: The SuperPuTTY Window Manager for putty sessions

  Jan 04,  · Stable SuperPuTTY Release. Latest. New Features from Sebastian Gemeiner. Win+Shift Handling (Multi Monitor Setup) Supports docking (Aero snap) by simulating key events to main form. Lazy loading for new session entries in context menu. Updated Docking Library to v, Updated log4net library to v, Switched to using. SuperPuTTY Docking user interface allows personalized workspace and managing multiple PuTTY sessions easy Export/Import session configuration Upload files securely using the scp or sftp protocols Layouts allow for customizing session views Supports PuTTY session configurations including Private Keys. May 27,  · Installing PuTTY Release in Windows – (step 2) Select the product feature you want to be installed in your system and click on install. Install PuTTY Files (Step 3) Click on Finish to complete the setup and close the dialog box. Complete Installing PuTTY in Windows. Voila! You are done with the installation. Using SSH in PuTTY (Windows).    
